Sunday 11 September 2016

Sev Necati worked in partnership with Comic Relief and Hyde Housing

Sev Necati worked in partnership with Comic Relief and Hyde Housing, to deliver our award winning project “Women & Young People’s Safety Solution.” 

Our first workshop for women and girls in personal safety, self-defence and confidence building that took part in Stone Bridge had a very positive and empowering impact on the group.   The project worked with women, girls, mothers and their daughters from the local community, from various backgrounds, ages, and multiple-complex needs and had abilities. 
The group took part in discussions as well as practical activities in self-defence, stamina and strength building.  All females had an increase in confidence and self-worth and felt empowered at the end of the project.

Our projects look to empower women and girls and was life changing for some.  Read how we change lives!

The Participant - Case Study - One
Samantha is married and has 4 children, aged 44, Black Caribbean.

Please tell us why you became involved in your project/activities?
I became involved for my own self-protection for my children and to learn my rights regarding work.  I work in a hospital when I sometimes have aggressive patients; I wanted to know how to deal with them and for the street.
I have a lot of issues at work, being bullied and I didn’t know where I stood.  I have also been attacked at school by someone that is known to me, they have physically attacked me and knocked me several times her and her and friends.  They have continually laughed at me and I have felt intimidated and threatened by this group.  I didn’t know what my rights were if they hit me whether I could prevent it or not by being able to use self-defence myself.

Please tell us how participating helped you?
It has helped me to control myself especially in the work situation and I do worry about what’s happening to me, but I have stopped worrying because I have learned to speak up for myself and I can say NO now.  I am no longer afraid of them saying I am not a good team player.  I take a deep breath when something happens understanding my rights and knowing my strength on the streets and in my home.  In the work place it is very challenging because of their rules and I cannot over ride it even though the law and their policies say one thing.  I know how I can get help if I need it further, it has given me a light into what direction to turn and what direction to go in.  The course has helped me a lot with my self-confidence.

Please tell us what has changed for you as a result of engaging with the project?
I have learned to control myself before I was confused on what to do, where to go. I know what my rights are I know how to manage myself on the street.  I feel more confident on how to approach situations in a certain way and what to do.  Before I use to argue about things but now I know what channels to take to get the help I need.  I feel more empowered and confident.
I think what you are doing is great! It’s not only self-defence but also learning to have control. It has helped me a lot with my home environment with my children and I have lot more respect for myself and what I can do to benefit me.  My relationships with others has improved I have spoken to someone about my husband as I know that I was being mentally abused before, being bullied and my children were also being abused.  I have taken the right steps so this has stopped I have taken steps to feel secure in my home for me and my children. 

Some of the Females Comments
“It was fantastic.  Thank you!”
“Empowering!  Bosting fitness and confidence.”
“I loved the class.  I learnt a lot and gained a lot of confidence.” 
 “The trainer was very inclusive and fair.”
“I loved this self-defence class.”
“Sev treated us with respect and equality”

“I really enjoyed the floor work.”
“The commitment and passion in delivering this training really stood out for me.”

“I learnt how to be confident.”
“Sev’s professionalism at all times!”

“Sev was very through about this topic & she described it in great detail.”
“The physical self-defence, drills & floor work, being pushed to go well beyond what we thought we could do.”

“The classes were very resourceful and taught from experience.”
“Sev’s experience was one of the best things about the training.”

“I and my daughter are now training together, which we love.”
“Excellent techniques and I will continue to practice them after the course.”
“I have become more confident within myself over the 8 weeks.”
I am fitter & stronger & wiser about self-defence.”

 “Thank you very much, I would & have recommended this course. 
It is valuable & I hope that my daughter can do it when she is old enough.”
“Sev’s knowledge stood out for me.”
“This should be taught in schools.”
“Floor work was great!”

“This training was excellent & I enjoyed all the techniques.”
“After this course I feel more confident on the street, especially at night.”

“This course has made me feel more confident and strong.”
“I have learned a lot of techniques.”

“I really enjoyed the training it was really useful for me.  Thank you so much for everything!”
“I liked being pushed and not being allowed to give up and say “I can’t” – it gave me confidence in myself.”

“The work on self-confidence and self-worth was inspirational and had really helped me.”
“Very clear!  Good teacher who clearly cares about her students.”
“The whole course inspired me!  It was an amazing experience, and I wouldn’t say that lightly.”
“Sev is a great, great teacher!”

The Participant - Case Study - Two
Karen is single no children, aged 29, White British.

Please tell us why you became involved in your project/activities?
I joined the course originally because I am travelling on my own so I wanted to be prepared with self-defence and hold myself in certain situations.  I hadn’t realised the course would have the confidence, self-worth and belief work as part of it.  It was something that I had been looking for a long time.  It was like fate as I wanted to do something like that for a long time.

Please tell us how participating helped you?
I feel stronger, I feel more confident, prepared and equipped for certain scenarios.  I feel the physically techniques have given me confidence to do self-defence if I need too, the law has empowered me, it has given me so much confidence in general life, the tools that you taught me on confidence and self-worth are really working on myself and changing things for me.  I didn’t realise how big my personal issues were, I do the work every night now which really helps me and if I don’t I realise I have too.

Please tell us what has changed for you as a result of engaging with the project?
Confidence has changed hugely I feel totally different I feel aware of things that I didn’t know how to deal with, enlightened, confident, and prepared the confidence is the biggest change, and equipped with different skills that I can further develop on my own.  I feel much stronger physically and mentally knowing and understanding where my power comes from. 
I feel much happier, I still have moments but I am good. I would like to do your confidence course but as I am going away travelling I would love to do it when I get back.  I feel more empowered and I am recommending the course to everyone.  The length of the course was perfect, 3 hours each session, you have to really commit to it, you go through things with the group and you, it takes time to open up, because of everything everyone else is also going through but you eventually do.  I think it was really bonding, especially the physically side. 
My friends think it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me, they say this woman is amazing this is what they say, it’s like what she has done has really helped you change yourself especially to do with your confidence.
Thank you for everything and I think it’s amazing for women that are looking for it and need it.

Thank you for doing such an amazing course for women!

All names of participants have been changed to protect their identity.

If you are looking for sessions, workshops, projects and programmes that are both engaging, interactive and fun, but also informative and educational then please contact us at:

If you think that you would like to get involved in our projects then please get in contact.  Our aim is to reduce violence and the fear of violence especially towards females and young people and we do this by delivering empowering projects to the local community.  Please contact us:

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