Monday, 28 April 2014

The Metropolitan Police and Youth Services work with Sev Necati Training

Sev Necati worked in partnership with The Metropolitan Police and Young Hackney to divert young people from becoming victims of gang culture as well as those that may be on the cusp and / or part of the culture.

One of our own young people that benefited from the programme in their own words tells us how our “Self Esteem Programme” helped them.

“I learnt how to open up more and to only do things that make me happy.”

“I now know what skills I can use do to keep myself happy such as meditation, exercising and loving myself.”

The young person’s self-esteem, confidence and motivation levels have all increased.  They can also better manage their problems and understand how to reduce and manage conflict.

If you would like to find out more about this innovative programme then please contact us at: