Thursday, 11 April 2013

The Metropolitan Police & Morning Side Estate work with Sev Necati Training

Sev Necati worked in partnership with The Metropolitan Police and Morning Side Estate, to deliver a training programme for young girls to reduce the fear of crime and violence.  The young girls came from the local estate, discussions amongst their peer group took place as well as taking part in personal safety training skills.
Some Young People’s Comments

 “I liked the session because you learned how to defend yourself.”
“I enjoyed the practical part of the session.”
“Doing the part on the pads.”

·  at least 1 in 4 women in the UK will experience domestic abuse in their lifetime (British Crime Survey (BCS) 2010/11).
·  domestic violence accounts for 18% of all violent incidents (crime in England and Wales 2010/11), 7 per cent of women and 5 per cent of men reported having experienced any domestic violence in 2010/11.
·  in the 2010-11 BCS, 73 per cent of incidents of domestic violence were experienced by repeat victims, and of the victims interviewed, just under half were victimised more than once, and nearly a quarter were victimised three or more times.
·  every year around 400,000 women are sexually assaulted and 80,000 women raped (BCS 2010/11).
·  domestically, the cost of providing public services (including health, legal and social services) to victims and the lost economic output of women affected runs to billions of pounds. An indicative figure for the minimum and overlapping cost of violence against women and girls is £36.7 billion annually.
·  in January to December 2010 the forced marriage unit received 1735 reports relating to possible forced marriage, and provided direct support in 469 assistance and immigration cases.
·  approximately 66,000 women with female genital mutilation are living in England and Wales (Forward.


It would be great if you could assist our cause by funding us to carry out more of our programmes and projects.  We have a number of different packages we can offer and work towards a partnership approach to our work.Contact:

We won the Mayors Award for increasing safety.  The project is included in the Domestic Violence 2007 Annual report, “category one: for increasing the safe choices for women and children”, including self-defence and empowerment work. All women that attended this course said in their evaluations how they had felt more confident after the training, how unaware they were of their rights and more especially how they felt empowered after the training.

If you are looking for sessions and workshops that are both engaging, interactive and fun, but also informative and educational then please contact

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

The Metropolitan Police & Youth Services & The Concord Centre work with Sev Necati Training

Sev Necati worked in partnership with The Metropolitan Police and The Concord Centre, to deliver a training programme for young girls to reduce the fear of crime and violence, especially sexual and gang related and improve their overall quality of life.  The young girls came from a variety of backgrounds and ethnicities, discussions amongst their peer group took place as well as being given invaluable life skills
“The session was fun, Sev got everyone involved, she explained all the points really well, the information was vital.”  Abigail, Play Worker.

Some Young People’s Comments

“How they taught me how to use self-defence in the correct way.”
“I liked that she made sure we understood how to stay safe.”
“I liked acting out what Sev wrote down on paper.”
“When we did the physical bit.”
“When we did the role play.”

The session was delivered at the Concord Centre, one of the youth hubs for Young Hackney.  The concord centre is one of the most socially and economically deprived estates in Hackney.

"It was a really good session.  The instructions were clear and easy to follow.  Young people engaged very well and seemed very interested with the information given.”  Tamika, Youth Manager

If you are looking for sessions and workshops that are both engaging, interactive and fun, but also informative and educational then please contact